Letter to the Editor

Encourages voters to say yes to Issue 1

To the Editor:

Redistricting is a voting rights issue. In 2015 and 2018, Ohioans overwhelmingly voted constitutional amendments directing politicians to draw fair districts honorably and legally. But the pursuit and retention of power is a great temptation, and they continue to distort our intent with no accountability. Since 1812, political parties have gerrymandered, herding the electorate by cracking and packing districts for advantage. Emerging technology better tracks and monitors its effect.

Third time is a charm. Issue 1 is a constitutional amendment that reins in gerrymandering with an independent commission to draw our districts; it will be nonpartisan and operates with transparency and substantive legal requirements for accountability. It is similarly modeled after other states’ successes. 

Issue 1 is a direct threat to partisan overreach and opponents will use every trick in the book to confuse and distort. Proponents counter with factual information and speakers to inform and clarify the Issue. Retired Supreme Court Justice Maureen O’Connor is an outspoken advocate for Issue 1. Her strong advocacy documents the need for fair districts and her experience in handing down rulings on illegal map drawing underscores failure. Issue 1 is a wordy document that outlines commission structure and duties and attempts to block loopholes that override our intent. A simple premise, citizens not politicians will determine our voting districts with transparency, accountability and legality.

Be informed, do not fall for opposition distortion tactics that seek to confuse this voting rights issue. Please vote for Issue 1 in the November General Election.

Pat Simons

Oxford Road