Trustees Corner

Police Chief David Hayes would like to recognize Sgt. Ken Wolf for his December efforts. Wolf has once again displayed top fitness to complement his outstanding performance as a member of Metro Swat. No sooner was Hayes done praising Wolf than the Cleveland PD contacted Wolf asking if Metro Swat would accompany them on a morning raid for a fugitive who was at the Eaton Ridge Apartments (located by new Rt. 8 and Ledge Road), visiting his lady friend.

The man had several warrants on him by Cleveland PD. He was also suspected of selling drugs. Wolf’s Metro Unit was a perfect fit, as they are very familiar with the geographic lay of the land. The suspect did not surrender until the Metro Unit used pepper balls. Cleveland PD appreciated the Metro Swat early morning wake-up assist on the wanted man.

Wolf followed the arrest of the felon with being the first on the scene on a cold, rainy, miserable night in early December to help three hikers who fell while visiting Brandywine Falls. (They were from Wooster, Ohio). Officers Christopher Danko and Glenn Lucore arrived next. They provided lighting while Wolf went down the ravine to aid the injured hikers. Fire Chief Brian Ripley arrived with Macedonia Fire Department and a host of other companies.

Wolf was able to advise Ripley as to the extent of injuries. Ripley had his personnel activate a rope team and they were able to assist two individuals to safety. The third hiker was placed on a back board and pulled up the gorge. The man was transported to the hospital for head and knee injuries. Hayes had high praise for all involved. Ripley praised Wolf for resembling a Sherpa guide as he scaled the jagged rocks in the gorge. Ripley requests all hikers stay on designated walking areas near the falls, and leave all hiking to be done in daylight on park trails.

There are times when you curb your bets. Hayes said on Dec. 5, the first bad snowstorm this season, there were a number of traffic accidents. One of the accidents mandated a temporary closure of Rt. 82. Det. Lt. Dan Rice was directing traffic when a man not familiar with the area walked up to Rice asking for an alternate route to MGM gambling casino. This was at 7:30 a.m. with terrible driving conditions! Hayes is asking all who don’t have to leave home to curb your bets until the roads are cleared.

As we start the new fiscal year, trustees Dave DePasquale, John Zaccardelli and I want to thank Sagamore Hills Fiscal Officer Laura Steimle for her accurate, timely fiscal reports. Steimle works directly for the voters of Sagamore Hills. She does not answer to the board of township trustees, but by her extra efforts you would think she does. As a board, we thank her for all the extra effort to serve residents of Sagamore Hills.Any questions? Call 330-467-4970.