Bath-Richfield Kiwanis news
After many months, the exterior renovation of Richfield Fellowship Hall has been completed. Regular Thursday meetings of Kiwanis will resume at Fellowship Hall. The first Thursday of each month is reserved for board meetings, held at the Bath Church on West Bath Road.
Construction on the Richfield Brewery site was also completed, which includes the wishing well, surrounded by the Kiwanis Memorial Brick Patio area. The first memorial brick was placed for Helen Martin, who served our community and Kiwanis for many years. Memorial bricks can be ordered via the Kiwanis website by clicking the QR code on the brewery picture.
Schedule for February:
Feb. 6–Board meeting, Bath Church, 8 a.m.
Feb. 13–General meeting/Valentine’s Day dinner, 6 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Feb. 20–General meeting, speaker TBD, 6 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Feb. 27–Business meeting, 6 p.m., Fellowship HallFor all Bath-Richfield Kiwanis news and information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or visit