Global Kindness Movement makes impact at local elementary school

North Royalton Elementary School participated in The Great Kindness Challenge from January 27-31, joining more than 41,000 schools worldwide in promoting random acts of kindness. 

Last year’s challenge generated over one billion kind acts in just one week.

“The Great Kindness Challenge perfectly aligns with our school’s values of fostering compassion and community,” said NRES Principal Kirk Pavelich. “Seeing our students embrace kindness and understand how their small actions can create big ripples of positive change is truly inspiring.”

To celebrate, NRES hosted a Kindness Spirit Week with daily themes:

  • Monday: “Let it Snow Kindness” – students wore snowflake-themed clothing
  • Tuesday: “Spread Kindness Like Confetti” – kind message apparel day
  • Wednesday: “Dreaming of a Kinder World” – pajamas and comfort wear
  • Thursday: “Kindness Rocks!” – rock your favorite outfit
  • Friday: “Kindness is the Bear Way” – show school pride in purple and gold

In addition, the second, third and fourth-grade Kindness Council made kindness paper snowflakes. They also made special appearances on the morning announcements to share a kindness challenge and quote of the day.  School counselors Jennifer Nemeth, Beth Kleem, and Dana Kesselem also encouraged families to use provided checklists to track and discuss kind acts with their children at home, making the challenge a meaningful family experience.