Altrusa International of Akron


Princess Night Project invites girls to select from over 2000 free prom dresses

12:00pm - 5:00pm

Altrusa International of Akron

invites girls from high schools throughout Northeast Ohio to choose from 2,000 prom dresses for free at its annual Princess Night Project. The event is March 22 from 12-5 p.m. at the Jean Hower Taber Student Union, The University of Akron, 303 Carroll St. in Akron. Free parking will be in Schrank Hall parking deck only. No recommendation, pre-registration, or qualification is needed. Girls will select a gown with the help of aides, who act as personal shoppers. The event also offers a large selection of dressy shoes, purses and jewelry.

For more information, call Linda 330-338-3378 or Shelley 330-309-6399.