St. Mary Catholic Church – Three night parish mission (Feb. 18-20)


Feb. 18-20

Three-night parish mission

St. Mary Catholic Church of Hudson invites the community to a free three-night event with nationally known speaker, best-selling author and radio host Jon Leonetti on Feb. 18, 19 and 20, 7-8:30 p.m. Leonetti will present the three-night mission “Surge of the Heart,” which Matthew Kelly, founder of Dynamic Catholic, has called, “One of the most inspiring missions available in America today.”

The talks each night are as follows: Sunday, Feb. 18, “Who is God and Why that Matters;” Monday, Feb. 19, “God’s Dream for Your Life;” and Tuesday, Feb. 20 “Three Things Every Saint Has in Common.” There will be a reception on the last evening. Limited babysitting will be available with advanced registration.

St. Mary welcomes everyone who is curious about faith or is looking to rediscover or reinvigorate their faith during the season of Lent. For more information, visit ∞